The Commissioner of Railway Safety (Northern Circle) Dinesh Chand Deshwal on Tuesday started a two-day statutory inspection of the recently completed railway line along the ambitious Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Link (USBRL) project, officials said. The railway officials said the CRS conducted a statutory inspection of Katra-Reasi section and also visited the Anji Khad bridge, India's first cable-stayed rail bridge, in Reasi district soon after reaching Katra this morning. Deshwal will be visiting the iconic arch bridge over Chenab at Kauri -- the world's highest railway bridge -- before to and fro speed trial of Katra-Banihal by CRS Special on Wednesday afternoon, the officials said. Deshwal's visit comes a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the Jammu Railway division from New Delhi, paving the way for efficient management of train services in the northernmost region of India.
The Commissioner of Railway Safety (Northern Circle) Dinesh Chand Deshwal on Tuesday started a two-day statutory inspection of the recently completed railway line along the ambitious Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Link (USBRL) project, officials said. The railway officials said the CRS conducted a statutory inspection of Katra-Reasi section and also visited the Anji Khad bridge, India's first cable-stayed rail bridge, in Reasi district soon after reaching Katra this morning. Deshwal will be visiting the iconic arch bridge over Chenab at Kauri -- the world's highest railway bridge -- before to and fro speed trial of Katra-Banihal by CRS Special on Wednesday afternoon, the officials said. Deshwal's visit comes a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the Jammu Railway division from New Delhi, paving the way for efficient management of train services in the northernmost region of India.
- MLA Banihal- Gool Haji Sajjad Shaheen convened a meeting with Sub-Division level officers in Ramsoo to review health,road, electricity & water restoration works after the recent snowfall. Report ANN News Kashmir1
- The Commissioner of Railway Safety (Northern Circle) Dinesh Chand Deshwal on Tuesday started a two-day statutory inspection of the recently completed railway line along the ambitious Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Link (USBRL) project, officials said. The railway officials said the CRS conducted a statutory inspection of Katra-Reasi section and also visited the Anji Khad bridge, India's first cable-stayed rail bridge, in Reasi district soon after reaching Katra this morning. Deshwal will be visiting the iconic arch bridge over Chenab at Kauri -- the world's highest railway bridge -- before to and fro speed trial of Katra-Banihal by CRS Special on Wednesday afternoon, the officials said. Deshwal's visit comes a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the Jammu Railway division from New Delhi, paving the way for efficient management of train services in the northernmost region of India.1
- Reached Train banihal railway station1