An FIR has been registered in Meghalaya against social media influencer Akash Sagar after a video of him and two companions chanting religious slogans inside a church went viral report The incident took place at the Church of Epiphany in Mawlynnong, East Khasi Hills district The video, posted on Akash’s Instagram account, which has over 1.5 million followers, shows him and his companions entering the altar area, shouting slogans such as "Jai Shri Ram," and altering Christian hymns while singing The complaint filed by local residents alleges that their actions desecrated the sanctity of the church Local residents have expressed outrage, calling for strict action against the influencer Police have launched an investigation into the matter In response to the FIR, Akash Sagar took to social media to dismiss the allegations In a now-deleted post, he questioned the basis of the complaint, stating, "For saying Jai Shree Ram?" He also shared screenshots of news articles reporting the FIR and accused his critics of acting like "traitors” LawstreetJ
An FIR has been registered in Meghalaya against social media influencer Akash Sagar after a video of him and two companions chanting religious slogans inside a church went viral report The incident took place at the Church of Epiphany in Mawlynnong, East Khasi Hills district The video, posted on Akash’s Instagram account, which has over 1.5 million followers, shows him and his companions entering the altar area, shouting slogans such as "Jai Shri Ram," and altering Christian hymns while singing The complaint filed by local residents alleges that their actions desecrated the sanctity of the church Local residents have expressed outrage, calling for strict action against the influencer Police have launched an investigation into the matter In response to the FIR, Akash Sagar took to social media to dismiss the allegations In a now-deleted post, he questioned the basis of the complaint, stating, "For saying Jai Shree Ram?" He also shared screenshots of news articles reporting the FIR and accused his critics of acting like "traitors” LawstreetJ