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Best Holiday!!! Thank you all our friends, family and our beautiful clients for choosing Etu’s cupcakes
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Best Holiday!!! Thank you all our friends, family and our beautiful clients for choosing Etu’s cupcakes
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- Post by Alok e online csc sewa kendra कोरियर1
- A jaki jest Twój znak zodiaku? ;)1
- Ever seen a tiger in torrential rain? This was truly a special moment for me The brief torrential rain lashed at the tiger with all its might and the tiger just sat there soaking it all in I wonder what went through his mind in those moments 😊 When I was choosing a song to go with this video, I remembered this song and thought it was philosophically quite apt An absolute powerful animal that has the potential to capture your heart the moment you lay your eyes on it It is quite magical when you witness just glorious moments in the wild, where you are getting drenched in the rain and you can hear the wind, the lashing of the water on the forest and rocks of the dry river bed While the tiger sits there nonchalantly waiting for the rain to pass The lyrics read like this - Voila Voila Voila This is who I am Here I am, all of me, and it’s truly scary Here I am, in the music and the silence too LOOK AT ME #glidingfrogtours #panna #tiger #mptourism #wildlife #1
- जई चाने हैं दुलनिया मोय नना #1
- Oggi ti propongo un plum cake alla panna, variegato ai frutti di bosco, che ti conquisterà al primo assaggio per la sua sofficità ed il profumo e sapore delizioso 😋 Ti lascio la ricetta provala! 📝Plum cake alla panna variegato ai frutti di bosco Ingredienti (per uno stampo 25x11) -150gr frutti di bosco (anche surgelati) -30gr zucchero -un cucchiaio succo di limone -3 uova medie -150gr zucchero semolato -150gr panna fresca -30 gr olio di semi -scorza grazie di un limone -300gr farina 00 +30gr -10gr lievito per dolci Per la finitura -zucchero a velo Procedimento In un pentolino versa i frutti di bosco, con i 30 gr di zucchero ed il succo di limone; cuoci fin quando il composto si addensa (5 minuti ca) e frulla con un frullatore ad immersione Monta le uova con lo zucchero finché il composto risulterà gonfio e cremoso Unisci in quest’ordine: la panna, l’olio, la scorza del limone e per ultimo la farina ed il lievito In un terzo dell’impasto aggiungi la purea di frutti di bosco ed i 30gr di farina Imburra ed infarina uno stampo da plum-cake ed alterna i due composti come mostrato nel reel Con uno stecchino lungo crea la variegatura Cuoci in forno preriscaldato a 170° statico per 45 minuti; fai raffreddare, spolvera con zucchero a velo e gusta!1
- पाण्डव जल प्रपात एवं पाण्डव गुफाएं | पन्ना नेशनल पार्क | पन्ना मध्य प्रदेश | Pandav Falls and Caves|1
- Best Holiday!!! Thank you all our friends, family and our beautiful clients for choosing Etu’s cupcakes1
- मध्य प्रदेश पन्ना जिला विशेष संवाददाता जुनैद खान की विशेषरिपोर्ट1