Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.)
Jaipur Bypass, Gurgaon-122001 Haryana
About Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.)
Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.) was born on May 10, 1951 12:00:00 AM in Pune, Maharashtra. Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.)'s mother's name is Smt. Krishna Kumari Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.) is married to Smt. Bharti Singh since Jun 25, 1975 12:00:00 AM. Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.)'s has 2 daughters and 0 son. Engaged in `Empowerment of Women` project in rural areas. Hobbies include Indian Classical Instrumental music. Plays all games with especially interested in playing Tennis, Golf, Badminton and Horse Riding; President of Indian Polo Association. Visited countries include Widely Travelled; As Union Minister of State for External Affairs, visited 61 countries leading officials/delegations for various bilateral and multilateral meetings. Educated up to Doctorate. Ph.D., PG Diploma in Training and Development of HR; Master of Strategic StudiesEducated at Barkatulla University, Bhopal; ISTD, New Delhi; Army War College, Mhow and Army War College, USA. Represents Ghaziabad constituency. Member of Bharatiya Janata Party party. Main profession is Defence Services. Work address: 36, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Road, New Delhi-110011. Work phone: Tel : (011) 23017056 (R), 08826611111 (M) Telefax : (011) 23013800 (R), (011) 23710236, 24603846, 24626001, 24627231, 23017056 (O)Fax: (011) 23715159 (O). Work email: vksingh.mp@sansad.nic.in veekaysingh@gmail.com.
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | May 10, 1951 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Pune, Maharashtra | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Krishna Kumari | |
Father's Name | Col. (Retd.) Jagat Singh | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 0 | |
Number of Daughters | 2 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Bharatiya Janata Party | |
Constituency | Ghaziabad | |
Primary Profession | Defence Services | |
Secondary Profession | Not Available | |
Work Address | 36, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Road, New Delhi-110011 | |
Work Email | vksingh.mp@sansad.nic.in <br>veekaysingh@gmail.com | |
Work Phone Number | Tel : (011) 23017056 (R), 08826611111 (M) <br>Telefax : (011) 23013800 (R), (011) 23710236, 24603846, 24626001, 24627231, 23017056 (O)<br>Fax: (011) 23715159 (O) |
Other Details
As Union Minister of State for External Affairs, visited 61 countries leading officials/delegations for various bilateral and multilateral meetings.
Positions held by Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.)
Union Minister of State, Ministry of External Affairs
Union Minister of State, Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
Educational background of Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh General (retd.)
Educated at Barkatulla University, Bhopal; ISTD, New Delhi; Army War College, Mhow and Army War College, USA