About Shri Anil Basu
Shri Anil Basu was born on Nov 7, 1946 12:00:00 AM in Hooghly (West Bengal). Shri Anil Basu's mother's name is Late Smt. Basanti Devi Shri Anil Basu is married to Smt. Sabita Basu since Jun 19, 1981 12:00:00 AM. Shri Anil Basu's has 1 daughter and 1 son. Promotion of education, relief and rescue operation for flood victims, setting up
cultural centres like Rabindra Bhawan, Vidya Sagar Complex, etc.; protection of
environment, rural development; President, (i) Governing Body, Raja Ram Mohan
Roy College; (ii) Arambagh Girls’ College; (iii) Aghor Kamini Prakash Chandra Mahavidyalaya, P.O. Bengai, Hooghly and (iv) Raja Ram Mohan Ray Pathaghar -o- Sanskriti Parishad, Arambagh, ASH; Seceretry, West Bengal Pradesh krishak Sabha and Member, (i) Executive Committee,
Red Cross Society, District Hooghly; (ii) Students Health Home, Arambagh. Hobbies include Reading, games and sports, wildlife, environment and rural development. Associated with many sports clubs and associations in Hooghly district; Member, Sports Club,
Arambagh, Advisor, Chinsurah Swimming Club. Visited countries include Bangladesh, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Panama, Switzerland, U.K, and U.S.A.; Member, (i) Indian Parliamentary
Delegation to Canada; and (ii) Indian Parliamentary Delegation to 100th I.P.U. Conference,
Moscow, 1998. Educated up to Graduate. Graduate. Represents Arambagh constituency. Member of Communist Party of India (Marxist) party. Main profession is Social Worker. Work address: 26, North Avenue, New Delhi - 110 001. Work phone: Tel. (011) 23094885, 9868180035 (M). Work email: basu@sansad.nic.in.