Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma
About Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma
Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma was born on Nov 25, 1962 12:00:00 AM in Vill. M.P. Majra, Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana). Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma's mother's name is Smt. Bimla Devi Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma is married to Dr. Rita Sharma since Nov 9, 1989 12:00:00 AM. Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma's has 1 daughter and 1 son. Worked for the welfare of gaushalas, orphanages and N.G.O.s involved in social welfare; promoted Indian culture, awareness for education and cleanliness. Hobbies include Listening to music, spending time with family, fond of travelling to National and International tourist places. Playing cricket; Member, Cricket Team of Parliamentarians, Football, Badminton, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Wrestling Member, India International Centre, New Delhi. Visited countries include Widely travelled. Educated up to Professional Post Graduate. B.D.S., M.D.S. Eduated at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana. Represents Rohtak constituency. Member of Bharatiya Janata Party party. Main profession is Medical Practitioner. Also works as Social Worker, Agriculturist. Work address: 17-A, Balawant Rai Mehta Lane, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001. Work phone: Tel : (011) 23072151 09811720695, 09868180695, 09811842300 (M). Work email: sharma.arvind@sansad.nic.in drarvindksharma12@gmail.com.
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Nov 25, 1962 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Vill. M.P. Majra, Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana) | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Bimla Devi | |
Father's Name | Shri Satguru Dass Sharma | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 1 | |
Number of Daughters | 1 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Bharatiya Janata Party | |
Constituency | Rohtak | |
Primary Profession | Medical Practitioner | |
Secondary Profession | Social Worker, Agriculturist | |
Work Address | 17-A, Balawant Rai Mehta Lane, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001 | |
Work Email | sharma.arvind@sansad.nic.in <br>drarvindksharma12@gmail.com | |
Work Phone Number | Tel : (011) 23072151 <br> 09811720695, 09868180695, 09811842300 (M) |
Other Details
Positions held by Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma
Educational background of Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma
Eduated at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana