Adv. Adoor Prakash
Politician (Social Worker)
Ramanilayam, Konnamankkara (Muri), Adoor, Pathanamthitta, Kerala-691523
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About Adv. Adoor Prakash
Adv. Adoor Prakash was born on May 24, 1955 12:00:00 AM in Adoor, Pathanamthitta, Kerala. Adv. Adoor Prakash's mother's name is Smt. V.M. Vilasini Adv. Adoor Prakash is married to Smt. Jayasree Prakash since Apr 27, 1980 12:00:00 AM. Adv. Adoor Prakash's has 1 daughter and 2 sons. Educated up to Professional Graduate. B.A., LL.B. Educated at Sree Narayana College, Quilon, Kerala and Trivandrum Law Academy, Kerala. Represents Attingal constituency. Member of Indian National Congress party. Main profession is Social Worker. Also works as Advocate. Work address: 804, Narmada Apartment, Dr. B. D. Marg, New Delhi-110001. Work phone: 09447008166 (M). Work email: adoorprakashkonni@gmail.com advadoor.prakash@sansad.nic.in .
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | May 24, 1955 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Adoor, Pathanamthitta, Kerala | |
Mother's Name | Smt. V.M. Vilasini | |
Father's Name | Late Shri N. Kunju Raman | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 2 | |
Number of Daughters | 1 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Indian National Congress | |
Constituency | Attingal | |
Primary Profession | Social Worker | |
Secondary Profession | Advocate | |
Work Address | 804, Narmada Apartment, <br>Dr. B. D. Marg, New Delhi-110001 | |
Work Email | adoorprakashkonni@gmail.com <br> advadoor.prakash@sansad.nic.in | |
Work Phone Number | 09447008166 (M) |
Other Details
Special Interests
Helping the poor and needy and working for the upliftment of the socially backward classes
Countries Visited
No information available
Other Information
Good Orator
No information available
Positions held by Adv. Adoor Prakash
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Member, Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament
9 Oct. 2019 onwards
Member, Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare
13 Sept. 2019 onwards
Elected to 17
May, 2019
Cabinet Minister, Government of Kerala
2004-2006 and 2011-2016
Member, Kerala Legislative Assembly (Five terms)
1996 - 2019
Educational background of Adv. Adoor Prakash
Professional Graduate
B.A., LL.B.
Educated at Sree Narayana College, Quilon, Kerala and Trivandrum Law Academy, Kerala
Educated at Sree Narayana College, Quilon, Kerala and Trivandrum Law Academy, Kerala
Social media of Adv. Adoor Prakash
No Data Available
No Data Available
Frequently Asked Quesions (FAQ)
When was Adv. Adoor Prakash born?
Adv. Adoor Prakash was born on May 24, 1955 12:00:00 AM
Is Adv. Adoor Prakash married?
Adv. Adoor Prakash is Married
How many kids does Adv. Adoor Prakash have?
Adv. Adoor Prakash have 3 kids
What is the constituency of Adv. Adoor Prakash
Attingal is the constituency of Adv. Adoor Prakash