Kumari . Mayawati
Politician (Social Worker)
Kothi No. 13A, Mall Avenue, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
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About Kumari . Mayawati
Kumari . Mayawati was born on Jan 15, 1956 12:00:00 AM in Delhi. Kumari . Mayawati's mother's name is Smt. Ram Rati Kumari . Mayawati's has 0 daughter and 0 son. Social service for the downtrodden and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Hobbies include Reading, gardening, urban development and planning and labour welfare. Educated up to Graduate. B.A., B.Ed., LL.B. Educated at Kalindi College, University of Delhi (Delhi) and Ghaziabad, Meerut University (Uttar Pradesh). Represents Akbarpur constituency. Member of Bahujan Samaj Party party. Main profession is Social Worker. Also works as Advocate. Work address: Bungalow No.29, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi - 110003.
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Jan 15, 1956 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Delhi | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Ram Rati | |
Father's Name | Shri Prabhu Das | |
Marital Status | Unmarried | |
Number of Sons | 0 | |
Number of Daughters | 0 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Bahujan Samaj Party | |
Constituency | Akbarpur | |
Primary Profession | Social Worker | |
Secondary Profession | Advocate | |
Work Address | Bungalow No.29, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi - 110003 | |
Work Email | Not Available | |
Work Phone Number | Not Available |
Other Details
Special Interests
To organise weaker sections of the society
Countries Visited
No information available
Other Information
Teacher, Delhi Administration, 1977-84
Social service for the downtrodden and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Positions held by Kumari . Mayawati
Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha( 4th term)
Member, General Purposes Committee
Leader, B.S.P. Parliamentary Party, Lok Sabha
Re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (3rd term)*
Member, General Purposes Committee
Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly
Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh (two times)
June-Oct. 1995 and
March-Sept. 1997
Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Member, Rajya Sabha
Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Communications
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Communications
Elected to 9th Lok Sabha
Educational background of Kumari . Mayawati
B.A., B.Ed., LL.B.
Educated at Kalindi College, University of Delhi (Delhi) and Ghaziabad, Meerut University (Uttar Pradesh)
Educated at Kalindi College, University of Delhi (Delhi) and Ghaziabad, Meerut University (Uttar Pradesh)
Social media of Kumari . Mayawati
No Data Available
No Data Available
Frequently Asked Quesions (FAQ)
When was Kumari . Mayawati born?
Kumari . Mayawati was born on Jan 15, 1956 12:00:00 AM
Is Kumari . Mayawati married?
Kumari . Mayawati is Unmarried
How many kids does Kumari . Mayawati have?
Kumari . Mayawati have 0 kids
What is the constituency of Kumari . Mayawati
Akbarpur is the constituency of Kumari . Mayawati