Shri Asit Kumar Mal
Politician (Social Worker)
Lati Para, Margram, P.O. & P.S.- Margram, Distt. Birbhum-731204, West Bengal
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About Shri Asit Kumar Mal
Shri Asit Kumar Mal was born on Jul 11, 1955 12:00:00 AM in Margram, Birbhum, West Bengal. Shri Asit Kumar Mal's mother's name is Late Smt. Kunti Mal Shri Asit Kumar Mal's has 0 daughter and 0 son. Educated up to Under Graduate. University Entrance Examination Educated at Rampurhat College Burdwan University,. Represents Bolpur constituency. Member of All India Trinamool Congress party. Main profession is Social Worker. Work address: Banga Bhawan, Hailey Road, New Delhi-110001. Work phone: 9434326655, 8159877977, 7076150450. Work email: kamalbiswas086@gmail.com asit.mal@sansad.nic.in .
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Jul 11, 1955 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Margram, Birbhum, West Bengal | |
Mother's Name | Late Smt. Kunti Mal | |
Father's Name | Late Shri Dharanidhar Mal | |
Marital Status | Unmarried | |
Number of Sons | 0 | |
Number of Daughters | 0 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | All India Trinamool Congress | |
Constituency | Bolpur | |
Primary Profession | Social Worker | |
Secondary Profession | Not Available | |
Work Address | Banga Bhawan, Hailey Road, New Delhi-110001 | |
Work Email | kamalbiswas086@gmail.com <br> asit.mal@sansad.nic.in | |
Work Phone Number | 9434326655, 8159877977, 7076150450. |
Other Details
Special Interests
No information available
Countries Visited
No information available
Other Information
No information available
No information available
Positions held by Shri Asit Kumar Mal
Member, Standing Committee on Education, Women, Children, Youth and Sport
13 Sept. 2020 onwards
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Member, Standing Committee on Human Resource Development
13 Sept. 2019 - 12 Sept. 2020
Elected to 17
May, 2019
Chairperson, Standing Committee on Social Welfare & Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation, West Bengal Legislative Assembly,
2011 - 2015
Chairperson, West Bengal Khadi Village Industry Board
2011 - 2013
Chief Whip, AITC Legislative Party, West Bengal Legislative Assembly
2011 - 2015
Member, West Bengal Legislative Assembly (Five terms)
1987,1996, 2001, 2006 & 2011-2016
Educational background of Shri Asit Kumar Mal
Under Graduate
University Entrance Examination
Educated at Rampurhat College Burdwan University,
Educated at Rampurhat College Burdwan University,
Social media of Shri Asit Kumar Mal
No Data Available
No Data Available
Frequently Asked Quesions (FAQ)
When was Shri Asit Kumar Mal born?
Shri Asit Kumar Mal was born on Jul 11, 1955 12:00:00 AM
Is Shri Asit Kumar Mal married?
Shri Asit Kumar Mal is Unmarried
How many kids does Shri Asit Kumar Mal have?
Shri Asit Kumar Mal have 0 kids
What is the constituency of Shri Asit Kumar Mal
Bolpur is the constituency of Shri Asit Kumar Mal