Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde
Politician (Agriculturist)
‘Yashshree’ Valabh Nagar Parli - Vaijnath, Distt. Beed, Maharashtra
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About Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde
Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde was born on Dec 12, 1949 12:00:00 AM in Vill. Nathra, Beed (Maharashtra). Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde's mother's name is Smt. Limbabai Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde is married since May 21, 1978 12:00:00 AM. Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde's has 3 daughters and 0 son. Educated up to Professional Graduate. B.Com., B.G.L. Educated at Marathwada and Pune University, Maharashtra. Represents Beed constituency. Member of Bharatiya Janata Party party. Main profession is Agriculturist.
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Dec 12, 1949 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Vill. Nathra, Beed (Maharashtra) | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Limbabai | |
Father's Name | Shri Pandurang | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 0 | |
Number of Daughters | 3 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Bharatiya Janata Party | |
Constituency | Beed | |
Primary Profession | Agriculturist | |
Secondary Profession | Not Available | |
Work Address | Not Available | |
Work Email | Not Available | |
Work Phone Number | Not Available |
Other Details
Special Interests
No information available
Countries Visited
No information available
Other Information
No information available
No information available
Positions held by Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde
3 June 2014
Re-elected to 16th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
May 2014
Chairman, Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers
7 May 2010
Chairman, Committee on Public Accounts
6 Jan. 2010-30 Apr. 2010
Member, Committee on Ethics
12 Jan. 2010
Member, General Purposes Committee
19 Oct. 2009
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Home Affairs
16 Sep. 2009
Member, Committee on Finance
31 Aug. 2009-5 Jan. 2010
Member, Committee on Public Accounts
6 Aug. 2009
Member, Business Advisory Committee
29 Jun. 2009
Elected to 15th Lok Sabha
Deputy Chief Minister, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
Leader of Opposition, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly
Member Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (Five terms)
Educational background of Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde
Professional Graduate
B.Com., B.G.L.
Educated at Marathwada and Pune University, Maharashtra
Educated at Marathwada and Pune University, Maharashtra
Social media of Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde
No Data Available
No Data Available
Frequently Asked Quesions (FAQ)
When was Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde born?
Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde was born on Dec 12, 1949 12:00:00 AM
Is Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde married?
Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde is Married
How many kids does Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde have?
Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde have 3 kids
What is the constituency of Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde
Beed is the constituency of Shri Gopinath Pandurang Munde