Shri H.d. Devegowda
About Shri H.d. Devegowda
Shri H.d. Devegowda was born on May 18, 1933 12:00:00 AM in Holenarsipura, Distt. Hassan (Karnataka). Shri H.d. Devegowda's mother's name is Smt. Devamma Shri H.d. Devegowda is married to Smt. Chennamma since May 25, 1954 12:00:00 AM. Shri H.d. Devegowda's has 2 daughters and 4 sons. Hobbies include Reading. Visited countries include Widely travelled; as Minister, Chief Minister, Prime Minister and as a Member, Indian Parliamentary Delegations, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, London. Educated up to Diploma Course. Diploma in Civil Engineering Educated at Smt.L.V. Polytechnic, Hassan, Karnataka. Represents Hassan constituency. Member of Janata Dal (Secular) party. Main profession is Agriculturist. Also works as Engineer, Farmer, Social Worker. Work address: 5, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi - 110 011. Work phone: Tels. (011) 23794499, 23794431 Fax. (011) 23010288. Work email: haradanahalli@yahoo.co.in.
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | May 18, 1933 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Holenarsipura, Distt. Hassan (Karnataka) | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Devamma | |
Father's Name | Late Shri Dodde Gowda | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 4 | |
Number of Daughters | 2 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Janata Dal (Secular) | |
Constituency | Hassan | |
Primary Profession | Agriculturist | |
Secondary Profession | Engineer, Farmer, Social Worker | |
Work Address | 5, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi - 110 011 | |
Work Email | haradanahalli@yahoo.co.in | |
Work Phone Number | Tels. (011) 23794499, 23794431 <br> Fax. (011) 23010288 |
Other Details
Positions held by Shri H.d. Devegowda
Educational background of Shri H.d. Devegowda
Educated at Smt.L.V. Polytechnic, Hassan, Karnataka