Shri Hibi Eden
Deshabhimani Road, Kaloor-682017, Kerala
About Shri Hibi Eden
Shri Hibi Eden was born on Apr 19, 1983 12:00:00 AM in Ernakulam, Kerala. Shri Hibi Eden's father's name is Shri George Eden Shri Hibi Eden is married to Smt. Anna Linda Eden since Jan 31, 2012 12:00:00 AM. Shri Hibi Eden's has 1 daughter and 0 son. organises various activities like (i)Saukhyam, annual multi speciality medical camp; (ii) Breaking Barriers, a woman empowerment programme; MLA Award for educational excellence; Land Title Deed Distribution for most background colony in Ernakulam; distribution of motorized vehicles to the differently abled persons; Thanal Project, Construction of houses for financially backward families. Visited countries include Represented India, (i)Common Wealth Seminar, Samova Island, Pacific region; (ii) 10 Member Kerala Assembly delegation, China,2012; (iii)Multi Party delegation, Singapore High Commission; (iv) U.S., as part of India- Pak delegation, 2014; (v) European Union Visitors Programme (EUVP), 2015; (vi) World Climate Change Conference, Lyon France; visited U.A.E., Baharain, 2019. Educated up to Graduate. B.Com Educated at S.H.College, Ernakulam, Kerala. Represents Ernakulam constituency. Member of Indian National Congress party. Work address: 21 meena bagh maulana azad road New delhi. Work phone: 9846334982. Work email: hibieden@gmail.com hibi.eden@sansad.nic.in .
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Apr 19, 1983 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Ernakulam, Kerala | |
Mother's Name | Not Available | |
Father's Name | Shri George Eden | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 0 | |
Number of Daughters | 1 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Indian National Congress | |
Constituency | Ernakulam | |
Primary Profession | Not Available | |
Secondary Profession | Not Available | |
Work Address | 21 meena bagh maulana azad road New delhi | |
Work Email | hibieden@gmail.com <br> hibi.eden@sansad.nic.in | |
Work Phone Number | 9846334982 |
Other Details
Positions held by Shri Hibi Eden
Educational background of Shri Hibi Eden
Educated at S.H.College, Ernakulam, Kerala