Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre
Teh. & Distt. Akola-444001, Maharashtra
About Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre
Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre was born on Feb 26, 1959 12:00:00 AM in Akola (Maharashtra). Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre's mother's name is Smt. Shakuntala Dhotre Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre is married to Smt. Suhasini Dhotre since Apr 27, 1983 12:00:00 AM. Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre's has 0 daughter and 2 sons. Participated actively in Art of Living and conducting <i>Navchetana Shivir</i>. Cricket and Tennis. Visited countries include Widely Travelled. Educated up to Professional Graduate. B.E. (Mech.), LL.B Educated at Government College of Engineering, Amravati, Maharashtra. Represents Akola constituency. Member of Bharatiya Janata Party party. Main profession is Politician - Parliamentarian. Also works as Agriculturist,Engineer,Industrialist. Work address: AB-95, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi -110 003. Work phone: Tel : (011) 23078281, 9868180257 (M). Work email: sanjaysdhotre@gmail.comsanjay.dhotre@gov.in .
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Feb 26, 1959 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Akola (Maharashtra) | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Shakuntala Dhotre | |
Father's Name | Shri Shamrao Dhotre | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 2 | |
Number of Daughters | 0 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Bharatiya Janata Party | |
Constituency | Akola | |
Primary Profession | Politician - Parliamentarian | |
Secondary Profession | Agriculturist,Engineer,Industrialist | |
Work Address | AB-95, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi -110 003 | |
Work Email | sanjaysdhotre@gmail.com<br>sanjay.dhotre@gov.in | |
Work Phone Number | Tel : (011) 23078281, 9868180257 (M) |
Other Details
An engineer by training, a practicing agriculturist and industrialist he has remained active in social and political life for last four decades; public representative making his mark at all the important positions held in fields ranging from academics to agriculture to new age technology, keen interest to bring changes in the life of a common man by transforming agriculture in every possible way
Awards Conferred: (i) Maharashtra Government Industry Award for excellent performance 1987; and
(ii) Late Shri Vasantrao Naik Memorial Award for outstanding work in agricultural sector;
President, Akola Engineers and Architects Association; Vice President, Sinchai Sahayog, Akola; Director, Maharashtra State Seeds Corporation Ltd.; and Member, Executive Council, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Agricultural University, 2000-2004; Vice Chairman, Maharashtra, Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education And Research, Pune (1.8.2018 to 28.5.2019, State Cabinet Minister Rank)
Positions held by Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre
Educational background of Shri Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre
Educated at Government College of Engineering, Amravati, Maharashtra