Shri Sudarshan Bhagat
About Shri Sudarshan Bhagat
Shri Sudarshan Bhagat was born on Oct 20, 1969 12:00:00 AM in Tangardih, Distt. Gumla (Jharkhand). Shri Sudarshan Bhagat's mother's name is Smt. Manna Devi Shri Sudarshan Bhagat is married to Smt. Krishana Toppo since Apr 26, 2001 12:00:00 AM. Shri Sudarshan Bhagat's has 0 daughter and 2 sons. Participated in various social activities especially for education and upliftment of the tribals through Akhil Bhartiya Vanawashi Kalyan Ashram and other local organisations. Hobbies include Indian music, travelling, visiting historical, archaeological sites and monuments. Football, Yoga and Meditation. Visited countries include Belize, Bhutan, Burundi, Cobo verde, Ecuador, Honduras, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and United States of America (USA). Educated up to Graduate. B.A. (Hons.)Educated at Kartik Oraon College,</br> Gumla, University of Ranchi, Jharkhand. Represents Lohardaga constituency. Member of Bharatiya Janata Party party. Main profession is Agriculturist. Also works as Social Worker. Work address: C1/28, Pandara Park, New Delhi-110003. Work phone: Tels : (011) 23074151, 23387355. Work email: s.bhagat@sansad.nic.in office.sbhagat@gmail.com.
Personal Information
Category | Information | |
Date of Birth | Oct 20, 1969 12:00:00 AM | |
Place of Birth | Tangardih, Distt. Gumla (Jharkhand) | |
Mother's Name | Smt. Manna Devi | |
Father's Name | Late Shri Kalsai Bhagat | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Number of Sons | 2 | |
Number of Daughters | 0 |
Professional Information
Category | Information | |
Party | Bharatiya Janata Party | |
Constituency | Lohardaga | |
Primary Profession | Agriculturist | |
Secondary Profession | Social Worker | |
Work Address | C1/28, Pandara Park, New Delhi-110003 | |
Work Email | s.bhagat@sansad.nic.in office.sbhagat@gmail.com | |
Work Phone Number | Tels : (011) 23074151, 23387355 |
Other Details
Positions held by Shri Sudarshan Bhagat
Educational background of Shri Sudarshan Bhagat
Educated at Kartik Oraon College,
Gumla, University of Ranchi, Jharkhand