The type of procedure to be performed varies based on the child’s health status, existing disease, age, and other factors. A general visit to a paediatrician encompasses:
Physical Assessment: It includes performing basic health checkups, observing for any existing or developing conditions, performing palpitations, and medical tests. They also focus on assessing the mental health of children and offer solutions accordingly. Advanced medical tests are required in certain situations and will be recommended by a doctor if needed.
Treatment: The paediatrician listens to the exact problem parents are concerned with, diagnoses it and offers treatment. They can recommend them to other doctors or better-specialised hospitals (if required).
Awareness: Since each child is unique, nurturing first-time or recurring times is new for parents. Hence, paediatricians who are dealing with numerous children of the same age group know in-depth about the existing situations. Thus, they are in a better position to educate the parents.